Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Postman Odata request for filters and Pre request script for dates

Postman: (Get request time rely on server timezone)

Request: GET ->

https://<D365FO URL>/data/BatchJobs?$filter=Status eq Microsoft.Dynamics.DataEntities.BatchStatus'Executing' and StartDate eq {{currentdate}} and StartTime gt {{currentTime}} &cross-company=true


https://<D365FO URL>/data/RetailTransactions?$filter=ChannelReferenceId eq '' and CustomerAccount eq '' and TransactionDate eq 2022-08-23 &cross-company=true

Pre-Request script:

var moment = require('moment');

pm.globals.set('currentdate', moment().format(("YYYY-MM-DD")));

pm.globals.set("currentTime"new Date().setTime(new Date().getTime()-10800)); (As per postman installed machine time Zone GMT)


postman.setEnvironmentVariable("currentdate", moment().format(("YYYY-MM-DD")));

Set Global variables:

var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);

Select field list

Test samples:
pm.test("Status code is 200"function () {;
var json = JSON.parse(responseBody);
tests["<Collection request name>"= !json.error && responseBody !== '' && responseBody !== '{}' && json.Id !== '';
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("<Global variable name>"json.AmountDue);

var json = JSON.parse(responseBody);
tests["<Collection request name>"= !json.error && responseBody !== '' && responseBody !== '{}' && json.CartLines !== '';
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("<Global variable name>"json.CartLines[0].LineId);

Search hierarchy for a match (TableALLGroup) X++

  Table1 ppt;  select firstonly ppt  order ItemCode, ItemRelation, AccountCode, AccountRelation where      (ppt.ItemCode == TableGroupAll::T...