Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Delete a model in Dynamics 365 for FO

Reference & Source Content link:

Command -> ModelUtil.exe -delete -metadatastorepath="K:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory" -modelname="Main2"

Directory: K:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin

1.    Model belongs to its own package 
(For example: An extension package with no other models in the package):
a.      Stop the following services: The AOS web service and the Batch Management Service
b.     Delete the package folder C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\<your model>
c.      Restart the services from step 1
d.     If Visual Studio is running, refresh your models (Visual Studio > Dynamics 365 > Model management > Refresh models)
e.      In Visual Studio, perform a full database synchronization (Visual Studio > Dynamics 365 > Synchronize database...)

2.    Model belongs to a package with multiple models 
(For example, <your model> overlays Application Suite):
a.      Stop the following services: The AOS web service and the Batch Management Service
b.     Delete the model folder C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory<PackageName>\<your model> (In this example PackageName=ApplicationSuite)
c.      Restart the services from step 1
d.     In Visual Studio, refresh your models (Visual Studio > Dynamics 365 > Model management > Refresh models)
e.      In Visual Studio, build the package that the deleted models belonged to (Visual Studio > Dynamics 365 > Build models...)
f.       In Visual Studio, perform a full database synchronization (Visual Studio > Dynamics 365 > Synchronize database...)

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