Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Changing Business logic in Standard Microsoft Class methods without overlaying in D365 FO

// Changing Business logic in Standard Microsoft Class methods without overlaying

Tag: Dynamics 365 for finance and operations


è  Changing logic in Standard Microsoft Class methods without overlaying.

Pre Requisites:
è  Base model package should be reference to current package

Data Source -> PurchLine
Requirement: Need to validate line amount value in purchLine table from system standard validation class method.

è  Let’s consider this below DEVCOCTEST as an assumption for system standard class and methods.
è  In DEVCOCTEST class, Process method contains validation on table (purchLine).
è  Requirement, need to change one of the intermediate line in process method or else changing or adding extra condition in process method.
Note: In Example code, I have written only few lines.
è  In example, currently overlay is not possible for this class method to do. Only way to achieve through extension and chain of command.
è  As assumption, Overlaying locked by Microsoft

//As per our assumption, this is our Microsoft Standard class and methods
//sample code - MS Hard sealed
Class DEVCOCTEST //Parent Class
    static DEVCOCTEST construct(PurchLine _purchLine)
            return new DEVCOCTEST();
            throw error(Error::wrongUseOfFunction(funcName()));

        return null;

    void  Process(PurchLine _purchLine) //Standard Method
        if(_purchLine.LineAmount > 1000)
            throw warning("Purchase Amount limit exceed _ Parent Class");


//This is new customize class, created in new model
//With extends system standard class
è  Here we need to write method which you want to modify requires  business logic
è  If method not written in child class means then system will automatically call parent class method from child class.
    public void Process(PurchLine _purchLine)
        if(_purchLine.LineAmount > 1000)
            throw warning("Purchase Amount limit exceed _ Child COC Class");
            super(_purchLine); //if requires


//This is new customize class, created in new model
//For Extension of assumed Microsoft standard class (DEVCOCTEST)
è  Here wherever system is constructing DEVCOCTEST class, based on extension of Microsoft standard class using chain of command. System will hit below code
è  After calling, next command we creating new instance of child class (DEVCOCTEST_COCCHILD)

final class DEVCOCTEST_Extension
    static DEVCOCTEST construct(PurchLine _purchLine)
        DEVCOCTEST a = next construct(_purchLine);
        a = new DEVCOCTEST_COCCHILD();
        return a;           


//This is only for testing, to call

//Code for Event handler
//This is new customize class
//In example, I have consider FORMDATASOURCEEVENT type as Written
    [FormDataSourceEventHandler(formDataSourceStr(PurchTable, PurchLine), FormDataSourceEventType::Written)]
    public static void PurchLine_OnValidatedWrite(FormDataSource sender, FormDataSourceEventArgs e)
        var purchLine_ds = sender as FormDataSource;
        PurchLine purchLine = purchLine_ds.cursor() as

            DEVCOCTEST  coc =   DEVCOCTEST::construct(purchLine);
            throw Error("Purchase lines Arguments must be called from journal");


Sample tested with

Version: (Dynamics 365 for finance and operations)

Standard Class with example:

//Std PurchLineType_Purch class method - Hard seal
Method: ValidateField

Requirement: Here i need to add one more field validation in switch case
public boolean validateField(FieldId _fieldId)
        boolean      ret;

        ret = super(_fieldId);
        switch (_fieldId)
            case fieldNum(PurchLine, TaxItemGroup) :
            case fieldNum(PurchLine, TaxGroup)     :
                if (purchLine.TaxGroup     &&
                    purchLine.TaxItemGroup &&
                    ret = Tax::checkVATChargeSource_RU(purchTable.purchTable_RU().vatChargeSource_RU, purchLine.TaxGroup, purchLine.TaxItemGroup);

            case fieldNum(PurchLine, LineNumber):
                var purchLine_orig = purchLine.orig();

                if (purchLine_orig.RecId                                != 0
                    && purchLine.LineNumber                             != purchLine_orig.LineNumber
                    && PurchParameters::find().DisallowLineRenumbering  == NoYes::Yes)
                    ret = checkFailed("@SCM:RenumberingOfLinesNotAllowed");

        return ret;

//This is new customize class, created in new model
//With extends system standard class
è  Here we need to write method which you want to modify requires override business logic of that method
è  If method not written in child class means then system will automatically call parent class method from child class.
class PurchLineType_PurchCOC extends PurchLineType_Purch
    public boolean validateField(FieldId _fieldId)
        boolean      ret;
        Price   purchPrice;

        switch (_fieldId)
            //Added - start
            case fieldNum(PurchLine, PurchPrice) :
                purchPrice = InventTableModule::find(PurchLine.itemId,ModuleInventPurchSales::Purch,false).Price;
                if(PurchLine.PurchPrice > purchPrice)
                    throw warning("Purch price shouldn't be greater than, Product default purchase price");
            //Added - end

            Default : 


        return ret;

//This is new customize class, created in new model
//For Extension of Microsoft standard class (PurchLineType_Purch)
è  Here wherever system is constructing PurchLineType_Purch class, based on extension object concept System will hit below code
è  After calling, next command we creating new instance of child class (PurchLineType_PurchCOC )

final public class PurchLineType_Purch_Extension
    static PurchLineType construct(PurchLine purchLine, PurchTable  purchTable)
        PurchLineType_Purch coc = next construct(purchLine,purchLine.purchTable());
        coc = new PurchLineType_PurchCOC(purchLine,purchLine.purchTable());
        return coc;


if Current Purchase line price is valid with default purchase price

If current purchase line price is greater than compare with default purchase price

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