Friday, December 21, 2018

Track user sign-ins

Track user sign-ins ---- 
Many organizations are required to maintain an audit trail of users who have used the system
1.    Sign in to LCS, and open the project that is associated with the Finance and Operations implementation.
2.    Navigate to the environment, and open the Environment details page.
3.    On the Monitoring tab, select the Environment monitoring link to open the monitoring dashboard.
4.    On the Activity tab, select View raw logs.
5.    In the Query field, select User Login Events. You see a time duration that has a start date that is set to End date - 7 days.
6.    Set the end date, and then select Search. The search results that are returned include all users who signed in to the system during the seven days before the selected end date.
7.    The search results show the AADUserID value and the sign-in start and end times of the user's session. To map the AADUserID value to the user's user name and email address, use the Users page in Finance and Operations (System administration > Users).
8.    To export the records and keep them for a longer period, select Export grid.

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