Thursday, April 15, 2021

D365FO Data Management - Import/Export Container Data Fields

Implement the logic for convert "container field" data bounded value into the base64 string during the data export.

Table Field -> ConImage

Data Entity Field -> 

Create two new unmapped field as 


Method: Data entity methods -> POST LOAD

//Export - start

//Post load to export data container information to str

if (this.ConImage)


    container conValue;

    str containerAsString;

    conValue= this.ConImage;

    containerAsString = con2base64str(conValue);

    this.ConImageStr = containerAsString;


//Export - End

//Import code  - start

//Use method -> defaultRow()

str containerAsString;

Container conValue;

containerAsString = this.ConImageStr;

conValue= base64str2con(containerAsString);

this.ConImage= conValue;

//Import code  - End

In the case of a container with binary content, add one more string field to the staging table, for exporting the Memo field.

The field should extends FileName EDT 

Field name: conImageStrFileName

Implement data entity method

When exporting this DMF data entity, ConImageStr will be packaged into separate files.

public static container getFieldsToBeConvertedToFile()


    return [fieldstr(<EntityName>, ConImageStr),

            fieldstr(<StagingTableName>, ConImageStr),

            fieldstr(<StagingTableName>, ConImageStrFileName),



Create export project and export now

Download package

Unzip package file

Resource folder with all container contents exported as separate files.

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