Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Debugging Tips:

Debugging Tips:

1) Info (Class) -> Add (Method)
2) Xsession::xppcallstack()  ----> To get stack information
 Ex:   con2str(Xsession::xppcallstack())
3) Securityutill::sysAdminMode(false);  ---> Debugging as a non Admin Role
 For Exclude User permission again, Execute code again Securityutill::sysAdminMode(True)

Invaluable when stuck deep in a debugging session, and want to verify that the sql Statements being executed has the intended behavior;


Static void SS_jobtest(Args _agrs)
SWealthTable sWealthTable;
select forupdate sWealthTable
where sWealthTable.id == "1005";
sWealthTable.GroupId = "EDX";



Before Committing Transaction Query

SQL Query 1: 

select Id,GroupId from SWealthTable
 where Id = '1005'

result would
Id - 1005
GroupId - MDX

SQL Query 2 :

select Id,GroupId from SWealthTable (noLock)
 where Id = '1005'

result would
Id - 1005
GroupId - EDX

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