Thursday, October 12, 2017


Python is an object-oriented programming language created by Guido Rossum in 1989. It is ideally designed for rapid prototyping of complex applications. It has interfaces to many OS system calls and libraries and is extensible to C or C++. Many large companies use the Python programming language include NASA, Google..
Python is widely used in Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Generation, Neural Networks and other advanced fields of Computer Science. Python had deep focus on code readability & this class will teach you python from basics.

  • It provides rich data types and easier to read syntax than any other programming languages
  • It is a platform independent scripted language with full access to operating system API's
  • Compared to other programming languages, it allows more run-time flexibility
  • It includes the basic text manipulation facilities of Perl and Awk
  • A module in Python may have one or more classes and free functions
  • Libraries in Pythons are cross-platform compatible with Linux, MacIntosh, and Windows
  • For building large applications, Python can be compiled to byte-code
  • Python supports functional and structured programming as well as OOP
  • It supports interactive mode that allows interacting testing and debugging of snippets of code
  • In Python, since there is no compilation step, editing, debugging and testing is fast.


  • Programming video games
  • Artificial Intelligence algorithm
  • Programming various scientific programs such as statistical models

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